Sunday, August 5, 2012

Well This is Awkward...

It's about a month away from the "I abandoned my blog and forgot about it" anniversary today, so kind of hurray. <.< I guess I should do some catching up since I plan on electrofying this blog back into use.

So, since I last posted, I have...

1. Quit Quizno's and started working for a pretty big company (like if you've ever been on the internet or bought books you've heard of this place) at one of their call centers, and it's awesome. (We're allowed to have Nerf guns and there's a Wii, fooseball table, and every other person is a gamer or anime freak. This place is the shit.)

2. Got a cat. His name is Spartacus Snorlax Derpington. We got him from a shelter and I'm like 98% sure I'm going to have several crazy cat lady posts including videos of him because he's FUCKING ADORABLE OH MY GOD.

3. Become semi-addicted to Reddit and Archer. And World of Warcraft.

4. Been engaged to that awesome guy who showed me WoW way back in that one post a while ago.

5. Built a pretty effing sweet computer. (Okay so I didn't build it, but I held things while my fiancée and our friend built it. I HELPED.)

6. I still live in the same shitty apartment. But the spousal-abusing, drug-dealing fuckfaces who lived above me moved out, and some really nice recovering meth addicts moved in. No seriously, they're like, really nice people. It's such a cute success story. ; v;

7. My fiancée farted audibly in front of me for the first time ever yesterday. I thought he shit himself in the shower. Many lol's were had.

8. Almost achieved level 85 on my fire Mage, Niminicus. I'm still on Maiev but I have all new characters. I'll post details about them later.

There's probably more, but I can't think of anything else super important at the moment. Just a heads up that I'm starting my blog up again with new insights and goals and stuff. And more product reviews.

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